Becket Conservation Commission
February 18, 2010
The Meeting is called to order at 6:30 .
Commissioners Present: Purr McEwen, Chair, Kathy Vsetecka, Commissioner and Agent;; Marty Winters, Nina Weiler, Richard Pryor, Bud Moylan
Members absent: Scott Morley
Meeting called to order at 6:30.
Approval of Minutes:
*Purr requested an amendment: instead of saying that Mr. O’Brien “rescinded”, the wording should be “he admitted he didn't tell the truth under evidence.”
Purr motioned to accept with revisions; Bud seconded, unanimously approved.
Discussion on the Becket Woods Violation
A site visit conducted by Nina, Budd, Marty and Kathy. Also present were Mark Stinson, DEP, and Sgt Amati, Environmental Police and Gary Brian. Kathy is requesting of those present a written statement as to what they saw and heard in order for her to prepare a narrative. She is also asking for a picture of the excavator. At this point there has been limited communication between DEP and Sgt. Amati. Mark doesn't believe that DEP will take the case probably because of monetary issues. Marty suggested that Becket do as New Marlborough and list all the boards in the local paper and post all the violations that have occurred in the hopes of making people more conscientious of their actions. Kathy clarified that the body of water is not a pond, but an impoundment. To be jurisdictional as a pond, it
would need to be 10,000 sq.ft. But because this water is an impoundment, it is jurisdictional. The area is a vegetated wetland and it does have a stream running through it that appears to be perennial. Therefore everything Mr. Brian did was in a jurisdictional area. Sgt Amati considered it jurisdictional but for him to take the case means it would be a criminal case.
Kathy is suggesting that this be tabled until spring once the snow melts and the damage can be accurately assessed. Then Conservation can issue an Enforcement Order.
*Marty Winters requested that a letter be written to the boss of Sgt. Amati commenting on his professionalism and excellent work.
*MACC training programs are available for Commission Members. They can be paid out of the Wetland budget.
*Discussion on the OOC vs Amended Orders. An Amended Order states that the OOC as written is good, but there are additional orders to be included or changed. Abutters still need to be notified by certified or registered mail; the only thing they would not have to do is pay the fee.
Motion to close the meeting made by Bud, seconded by Purr unanimously approved.
Meeting closed at 7:03 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Martie Martin, Recorder
Purr McEwen, Chair Date
Scott Morley, Vice Chair Date
Kathy Vsetecka, Commissioner/Agent Date
Bud Moylan, Commissioner Date
Richard Pryor, Commissioner Date
Marty Winters, Commissioner Date
Nina Weiler, Commissioner Date